Summary: Set in 2013 Egypt, inspired by true events, “Hassan” aspires to escape. Seizing an opportunity, he joins a blind football team heading to a championship in Poland. Teaming up with desperate peers, they embark on a daring journey, determined to fulfill their dream.
Director’s Biography: Omar, a multi award-winning director, transitioned from a 5-year agency writing career to a 20-year journey directing commercials. Renowned for intelligent humor, cinematic grandeur, powerful characters, and impeccable storytelling. Achieved Grand Prix and Gold accolades at Cannes Lions, LIA, Dubai Lynx, Kinsale, Sharks, Creative Circle Asia, Euro Critals, and African Critals.
Cast: Mohamed Farrag, Nelly Karim, Baioumy Fouad, Taha Desouky, Amgad El Hagar, Passant Shawky.